Too Insignificant

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Obscured from the universe,
I’m holding up my fears,
Letting out cries
That no one will hear

My tear, just a drop
In the big, boundless sea
Flowing where it takes it
Until it’s unseen

Nobody can feel
What I feel deep down
Even the loudest of screams
Don’t seem to make a sound

They travel their way
Into the empty air
Till they go unheard,
Landing somewhere

Waking each day
Feeling all the same
Was the world this terrifying
Even before I came?

Would it even matter
If I faded away
The sun would still shine
To start off yet another day

In a cold infinite world
My tiny world is unseen
Where my quivering pain
Is only for me to feel…

This poem deals with existential dread- the fear that you are too small and too insignificant in an empty, cold and vast universe to be able to…

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