Guest Post: 7 Time Wasters That Reduce Your Productivity


M. K. Dahlon is an extremely talented writer who writes useful articles related to productivity, lifestyle and university. His articles are informative and full of wisdom that even I can learn a thing or two from him. If you like what you read below, please join me and follow his website here.

Time is precious. Time is priceless. Time flies. We’ve all heard the clichés, but they are clichés for a reason. I’m sure that we would all unanimously agree that time is valuable.

Most of us would also agree that we aren’t spending all of our time wisely. It’s easy to think of the obvious time wasters in our lives—excessive social media use, lying in bed all day or watching TV for hours, to name a few. But what about the not so obvious time wasters?

Believe it or not, there are things that you’re doing everyday that are…

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3 thoughts on “Guest Post: 7 Time Wasters That Reduce Your Productivity

  1. Yes! But wasting time can make you more productive by allowing your brain rest. When you’re constantly working you never get a chance to switch off. Wasting time doing something that requires very little complex thinking can maybe make you more productive.

    Just a wasted thought?

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